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The Benefits of Self-Study

The core of athletics certification is the institution's self-study, in which campus-wide participation is critical. An effective self-study benefits the institution by providing:

  1. Self-awareness. The self-study offers a unique opportunity to educate individuals across the campus about the athletics program's goals and purposes, the many challenges facing athletics and the ways in which athletics supports the institution's mission.
  2. Affirmation. Athletics certification is couched in the affirmative - its aim, after all, is to certify - and the self-study process will reveal many aspects of the athletics program worthy of praise.
  3. Opportunities to improve. Even an outstanding program can be better, and problems will be identified routinely as part of any institution's self-study. As these problems come to light, the self-study process will offer a forum for suggestions from individuals with a wide range of experience.

Additional benefits for the Association, as well:

  1. The self-study provides a framework for the Division I membership to show its continuing commitment to institutional control of intercollegiate athletics within the academic setting.
  2. Increased public confidence.
  3. The athletics certification program serves as a means to ensure that all Division I member institutions are meeting the operating principles adopted by the membership

© The National Collegiate Athletic Association