Class Descriptions

All of our classes are designed for all fitness levels and offer appropriate modifications where necessary. Our friendly and knowledgeable instructors ensure that anyone is able to get a great workout no matter what their experience level may be.

 Group Fit Class Descriptions 

Butts & Guts: A structured, fast-paced class, which targets your abs, legs, and glutes! Butts & Guts is designed to achieve a mid to high aerobic level of intensity. You’ll start this workout with a warm-up circuit, and then move into multiple strength and cardio circuits. Finish off with a cool down and some stretches to have you ready to tackle the rest of your day! 

Glow Dance Cardio: Whether you’re looking to pick up a few moves, get some exercise, meet new people, or just have a lot of fun, this glow-in-the-dark class has it! Each class starts with a warm-up followed by easy-to-learn and follow dance routines led by the instructor. Come find your rhythm as you learn cool moves with a diverse variety of music including Pop, Latin, and Hip Hop. Any level of experience is encouraged to attend.

Indoor Cycling: Experience adynamic cycling class which incorporates a full ride of hills, sprints, and endurance intervals with energizing music and motivational instruction. Build strength and experience the benefits of a cardio workout all in one class! This low impact, energetic class is great for beginners as well as seasoned cyclists! 

Rise & Shine Yoga: Rise and shine and get over to this early morning Yoga class, designed to enhance vitality and sense of well-being. Flexibility, balance, strength, and posture are the core principles. The early bird gets the worm, so start your day right at the SRC! All levels are welcome to participate.

Yoga Flow: This class is designed for someone looking to flow through stretching various areas of the body. Intentions behind this session are to move through stretches, while still maintaining awareness of the mind and breath. Benefits include increased flexibility, strengthening and toning muscles, mindfulness, and self-awareness. 

JumpStart: This energizing cardio interval class is designed to jumpstart your day! Alternate between short bursts of fast paced exercise and brief periods of rest using your own body weight to improve cardiovascular fitness. 

Mind-Body Yoga: Take time to incorporate mindfulness and gentle movement into your busy week. This class is specially crafted for beginners who are curious about the interconnectedness of mental and physical wellbeing. Each weekly session will include breath work, simple yoga poses, and a guided meditation.

MoveStrong: Get moving and get strong! Tone & strengthen head to toe with a variety of dumbbell, kettlebell, resistance band & core exercises. Exercises can be modified to accommodate all fitness levels.


Cardio Kickboxing: This fiercely energetic program is inspired by martial arts and draws from a wide array of disciplines such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. Supported by driving music you will strike, punch, kick, and kata your way through a fun workout! 

Interval Training: This class combines short (30 sec-2min) bouts of high intensity exercise periods alternated with periods of rest (1-2min). These higher/lower intensity periods are repeated several times during total class time using both lower and upper body muscle groups.   

 **KINE Classes may be taken for academic credit. SRC members are welcome to drop in