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Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities
CSUB Geology students have the opportunity to collaborate with professors on their cutting-edge research projects. Undergraduate students can start working with a faculty mentor the day they step into the department. Masters students become experts in their fields. Many students publish their scientific discoveries in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals.
Faculty Research Interests
CSUB Geology professors have a wide range of research interests and areas of expertise, offering students a wide variety of opportunities. Reach out to learn more about faculty research or to ask about working on a research project. Contact information is available here.
Name | Research Topics |
Anna Cruz | Paleoclimatology, Oceanography, Environmental Geochemistry |
Junhua (Adam) Guo | Marine Sedimentology, Paleoclimate, Geohazards, Geo-resources |
Matthew Herman | Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, Geodynamics & Geophysics, Numerical Modeling |
William (Chris) Krugh | Tectonics, Earth Surface Processes, Thermochronometry, Natural Hazards |
Katie O'Sullivan | Planetary Geology, Lunar Petrology, Volcanoes, Eastern California Field Geology |
Anthony Rathburn | Micropaleontology, Biogeochemistry, Oceanography, Paleoecology, Science Education |
Liaosha Song | Hydrogen Geological Storage, Carbon Sequestration, Geochemistry, Petrophysics |
Research Facilities
The CSUB Department of Geological Sciences has a range of high-quality research equipment and facilities. Click on the items below for more information.
Please contact the curator or the director for more information.

Zeiss Sigma 300 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
The FE-SEM is an analytical system that can achieve high-resolution imaging of samples at nanometer scale, while simultaneously performing qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses of the sample surface. This nano-resolution imaging system is incorporated with a Bruker Quantax Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer for elemental analysis, and Deben Mk3 Coldstage for biological specimens.
Hitachi S3400N Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope
The VP SEM is equipped with an Oxford Inca Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer, Gitan ChromaCL Live Color Cathodoluminescence imaging system, and an IXRF X-Ray Fluorescence microanalysis system.
Please contact Dr. Song for instrument availability, user rates, and booking hours.

Please contact Dr. Guo for more information.

Please contact Dr. Rathburn for more information.
- Nikon Eclipse 600 polarized light microscope for petrographic analysis
- Zeiss AxioImager A2m microscope for reflected and transmitted light applications
- Olympus and Leica stereo microscopes capable of creating high-resolution photomicrographs for a wide range of applications
The Geodynamics Laboratory at CSUB hosts Dell Precision 7820 and Dell Precision 3680 workstations running Linux operating systems for performing numerical simulations, processing large geophysical datasets, and developing software. Additional computers are available in the lab for student research. Research topics studied in the Geodynamics Lab include subduction zone earthquake cycles, earthquake interactions, plate boundary evolution, and mountain building processes.
Please contact Dr. Herman for more information.
Computer Modeling Laboratory
The Computer Modeling Laboratory at CSUB hosts a Dell Precision 5820 workstation with industrial software packages for processing well logs, seismic reflection data, high-resolution images, and 3D image stacks. The workstations are also capable of running numerical simulations. Available software includes SLB Petrel, SLB Powerlog, Geographix, Petra, and PerGeos.
Please contact Dr. Song for more information.
Please contact Dr. Cruz for more information.

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