Applications open December 13, 2024 and will remain open through March 5, 2025. Applicants will be notified on April 2, 2025 and have two weeks to accept offers until April 16, 2025.
The Landmarks of American History and Culture program supports a series of one-week workshops for K-12 educators of ALL subjects and grades, from across the nation to enhance and strengthen humanities teaching at the K-12 level. Projects employ a place-based approach and are designed to offer educators a unique and compelling opportunity to deepen and expand their knowledge of the diverse histories, cultures, traditions, languages, and perspectives of the American people. We seek 72 enthusiastic and committed full- and part-time teachers and librarians of all subjects and grades in public, charter, independent, and religiously affiliated schools, as well as home schooling parents, who want to be NEH Summer Scholars. Museum educators and other K-12 school system personnel, including, but not limited to, administrators, substitute teachers, and curriculum developers are also eligible to participate. While the program is designed with history, geography, civics, government, and ethnic studies in mind, we will assist teachers of all subjects (e.g., English, World Language, Dual Language, etc.) to apply their learning for their subject and context.
We want people who share our curiosity and enthusiasm for the topic, and we will be selecting NEH Summer Scholars based on the extent to which they will benefit personally and professionally from the seminar, and share their experience with students and colleagues. We expect to draw a robust pool of qualified applicants from which to draw a diverse group of teachers from a variety of teaching assignments and geographic locations. Priority acceptance will be given to applicants who have not previously participated in an NEH Summer Institute, Seminar, or Landmarks Workshop as well as those who enhance the diversity of our program. Additionally, some space is reserved in each week for participants with five or less years of teaching experience.
Participants are selected by a committee, which will consist of three or more members of our project team including our project director and two or more colleagues. They will evaluate all complete applications to select a group of participants and to identify alternates.
Survey Questions
The questions within the survey require that you submit your contact information as well as some regional data for the project reviewers to consider regarding our applicant pool, as well as other questions required by the NEH. There are two written response questions of 250-500 words listed below. In case you find it helpful, we suggest you complete the written questions (#6-7) in advance in a separate document for copy and pasting into the survey.
Click the survey link to apply.
Sample questions within the survey include:
- Full name
- Contact Info
- School & Regional Info
- Current Teacher Grade Level & Experience
- Preference for Session A (July 6-11, 2025) or Session B (July 20-25, 2025)
- Please describe in 250-500 words why you would like to participate in this program (consider prior experience with NEH programs, professional development experience, and/or relevant background that makes you a good candidate for the program).
- Please describe in 250-500 words how your participation in this program would enhance your teaching of U.S. labor and civil rights history, or other topics relevant to your teaching.
Award Condition, Limits, Eligibility Requirements, and Participant Expectations
Applicants who accept an offer to participate are expected to remain during the entire period of the Landmarks program and to participate in its work on a full-time basis.
In any given year, an individual may apply to a maximum of two NEH summer programs, but may attend only one NEH program per summer. Once they have accepted an offer to attend any NEH Summer Program (Landmarks or Institutes), participants may not accept an additional offer or withdraw in order to accept a different offer. Please see NEH's Eligibility Requirements and Participant Expectations Guidelines for more information, as well as the Applicant & Participant FAQs information from NEH.
Equal Opportunity Statement:
NEH does not condone or tolerate discrimination or harassment based on age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), genetic information, national origin, race, or religion. Nor does NEH condone or tolerate retaliation against those who initiate discrimination complaints (either formally or informally), serve as witnesses, or otherwise participate in the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) process, or oppose discrimination or harassment. For further information, write to the Equal Opportunity Officer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf).

Photo Credit
Equal Opportunity Statement
Endowment programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age. For further information, write to the Equal Opportunity Officer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf).