Digital Media
The Digital Media concentration is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in the creative fields, such as digital imaging and graphic design, video and audio production, digital animation, interactive media, and game design. This concentration is ideal for students seeking to specialize in creating compelling digital content across a variety of platforms.
The program combines a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on experience, enabling students to develop creative, technical and analytical skills. Students will learn how to identify and solve communication challenges, adapting their approach to different media, formats, and audience needs. Whether working in video production, graphic design, animation, or interactive media, the curriculum is structured to prepare students for the diverse and rapidly evolving digital media landscape.
In addition to core coursework, students will have opportunities to apply their skills to real-world projects, and internships, where they can gain practical experience and make professional connections. Graduates of the program will be well-equipped to enter the digital media industry, capable of developing innovative solutions to communication problems and creating impactful visual and interactive content.
Digital Media Learning Outcomes:
- Apply technical skills in digital imaging, graphic design, video production, animation, interactive media and game design to create high-quality, professional projects across diverse platforms and media formats.
- Employ critical thinking and analytical skills to identify, evaluate, and address communication challenges in various media contexts by using appropriate digital tools and strategies.
- Integrate core principles of design to produce effective and aesthetically compelling digital content for diverse audiences.
- Combine theoretical knowledge in digital media and communications with hands-on practice to design, produce, and deliver projects that effectively communicate concepts and messages.
- Gain proficiency in industry-standard software and tools used in digital media production, including video editing, graphic design, animation software, and game development platforms.
In addition to the Communications Requirements, Digital Media Majors must complete the following courses:
- COMM 2310 Media Arts
- COMM 3320 Digital Video Production
- COMM 3330 Interactive Design
- COMM 3340 Sound Design for Media Production
COMM 3370 Media Writing - COMM 4320 Media Production Techniques
COMM 4340 Producing and Project Management for Media
Digital Media Career Path:
- Graphic Designer
- Video editor and Animator
- Game artist & designer
- UX & UI designer
- Interactive media designer
Requirements for the Major in Communications: Digital Media
*Click to view the Communications Concentration Form
General Core Requirements (15 units)
A. Lower Division Required Courses (3 units)
COMM 2020 Introduction to Communications Studies
B. Upper Division Required Courses (9 units)
COMM 3000 Theories of Communication
COMM 3010 Mass Media Law
COMM 4908 Senior Seminar
C. Upper Division Writing Course (3 units)
COMM 3008 Technical and Report Writing
Digital Media (15 units)
Required Courses:
COMM 2310 Media Arts
COMM 3320 Digital Video Production
COMM 3330 Interactive Design
COMM 3340 Sound Design for Media OR COMM 3370 Media Writing
COMM 4320 Media Production Techniques OR COMM 4340 Producing and Project Management
Communications Studies Courses (6 units)
Select two upper division courses: COMM 3020, 3048, 3050, 3058, 3060, 3070, 3077, 3078, 3068 or 3098, 3088, 3240, 4077
Electives Courses (6 units)
Six (6) additional upper division units in Communications courses selected in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Portfolio Requirement
As part of COMM 4908 (Senior Seminar), each student will prepare a portfolio that displays what has been gained from the major in Communications. The portfolio is a collection of materials that addresses each of the goals that the program 129 COMMUNICATIONS faculty expects students to achieve It also includes a personal statement and a brief analysis of each course taken for the major in Communications.
To create a portfolio, each student should maintain evidence from all communications courses and from other experiences that provide support for the student’s accomplishments as a Communications major. Questions about the portfolio may be directed to the student’s advisor or to any communications faculty member.
Lower Division Core Courses
COMM 2020 Introduction to Communication Studies (3)
Survey of the role of communication in daily life; concepts and contexts therein. Emphasis on the acquisition of media literacy skills and critique, as may be applicable, for upper division work in the discipline. Prerequisite: COMM 1008.
Upper Division Required Courses
COMM 3000 Theories of Communication (3)
How theories are constructed. Survey of theoretical approaches to communication drawing on the social sciences and humanities. Prerequisite: COMM 2020 or the equivalent for majors.
COMM 3010 Mass Media Law (3)
Designed to broaden the student’s understanding of laws that pertain to the mass media. Philosophical appreciation of the legal framework within which the mass media operates and pragmatic familiarity with the legal problems most often encountered by journalists and related professionals is anticipated. The course will examine the development of the law regarding the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and such related legal areas such as libel, obscenity, censorship, privacy, free press and fair trial, journalist’s privilege, the right of access to government information, access to the press, the doctrine of commercial speech (advertising), and copyright.
COMM 4908 Senior Seminar (3)
An advanced course in analysis and application of communication research methods. Specific topics will vary. Individual student research projects and reports. When possible, students contribute to ongoing faculty research. Students will submit a portfolio demonstrating skills and knowledge gained in the Communications major. Prerequisite: COMM 3000.
Upper Division Writing Course
COMM 3008 Technical and Report Writing (3)
Extensive practice in writing clearly and persuasively in technical and specialized forms such as reports of experiments, abstracts, business reports and proposals, letters, memoranda. Prerequisite: ENGL 1109 or the equivalent with a grade of “C” or better and upper division standing. GWAR
Digital Media Emphasis Required Courses
COMM 2310 Media Arts (3) - Fall Semester
An examination of the major elements of film, video, video games, and immersive media, and the fundamentals of how to communicate using these forms. Time is shared between lecture/lab.
COMM 3320 Digital Video Production I (3) - Spring Semester
Introduces the fundamental technical abilities and conceptual approaches to communication via moving images and sound. Emphasis on cinematic language and basic interpersonal skills of production. Lecture/lab. Prerequisite: COMM 2310 or permission of instructor.
COMM 3330 Interactive Design (3) - Spring Semester
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of interaction design. Stresses the conceptual, aesthetic, and technical concerns of interactivity. The course is designed to develop a combination of critical, technical, and design skills. Prerequisite: COMM 2310 or Instructor Approval.
COMM 3340 Sound Design for Media Production (3) - Spring of Odd Years
Theory and practice of sound/image relationships in film, video and interactive media. Emphasis on the development of conceptual and design tools as well as technical ability. Time is divided between lecture and lab. Prerequisite: COMM 2310 or Instructor approval
COMM 3370 Media Writing (3) - Spring of Even Years
Introduction to writing for various forms of visual media, including ads and PSAs, nonfiction and fiction films, interaction and mobile media. Critical analysis of these forms. Development of projects from concept to completed works.
COMM 4320 Media Production Techniques (3) - Fall of Even Years
This course examines the use of technology and emerging technologies in the execution
of media projects. The focus will be on the use of various media tools to prepare
and create projects for
various distribution platforms. Time is split between lecture and lab. Prerequisite:
COMM 2310 or Instructor Approval.
COMM 4340 Producing and Project Management for Media (3) - Fall of Odd Years
Examines the role of the producer or project manager in digital media, from idea generation
during research and development to final delivery. Students will learn how to maneuver
aspects, define the target audience, break down projects, schedule, manage a team,
deal with assets, and overall logistics of media creation. Prerequisite: COMM 2310
and COMM 3330 or Instructor
Digital Media Emphasis Elective Courses
COMM 3350 3D Animation (3)
Exploration of modeling, rigging, and animation techniques for video and games. Students will examine aesthetics, story development, and workflows for gaming and video. One hour lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisite: COMM 2310 OR ART 2210.
COMM 3360 Documentary Production (3)
Exploration of the various functions of documentaries in society, from propaganda to art. Emphasis on student projects, and te styles and strategies that are available to the documentary form. Prerequisite for COMM 3320.
Contact Information
Digital Media Recommended Advisor
Joe Ren
Office: MAC 123