MIS 470 Term Paper Information

You are required to turn in a term paper.
You must turn in a draft paper by Wednesday, April 28. Please click HERE to see the sample draft paper. Final version of the paper must be submitted by Thursday, June 3. Here are some possible ideas.

  1. Implication of GIS in a particular in a particular business / organization / industry. For example, implication of GIS in Marketing industry or Transportation industry.....

  2. Since most of you are MIS concentration students, you may want to write implication of GIS in MIS filed. For example, you may want to compare and contrast GIS systems analysis and design with MIS analysis systems. 

  3. Utilization and implementation of GIS in pubic organizations are growing fast. For example, you may want to write about importance and utilization GIS in government projects such as disaster prevention.

  4. If you can support your paper arguments by mapping using real world data (i.e., just like exercises from Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning Using ArcGIS 9), that will be the best way to improve your paper quality.

  5. If you cannot come up with a paper idea at all, you are allowed write a paper using one of the below example papers. In other words, your job is to refine and to improve an example paper's quality. Thus, quality of your paper MUST be better than the example paper that you are going to benchmark.

  6. Remember! you must PARAPHRASE in order to borrow information from a source without plagiarizing. Otherwise, you will be charged for plagiarism. Please click HERE to learn more about PARAPHRASE.

Plagiarism Screening thru Turnitin.com

Paper Deliverables:


Paper Format: Please CLICK THIS SAMPLE PAPER for the paper format guideline. At least, your paper format MUST be similar to the sample paper format.


Paper References
For your paper references, you can use academic journals, magazines, books, and Internet sources. You need at least 20 references, and only half of references (10 references) can be from magazines, books, and Internet sources. That is, the other half (10) references must be from academic journals. However, if you can download a full-length academic journal article thru the Internet, it is OK to use it as a reference. The term paper must be typed, single-spaced, at least 5 pages, with one inch margins and use Times New Roman 12 point font. Remember that your paper must follow APA Citation Style. Please click Here for detail information about APA Citation Style. Also, you MUST comply with below guidelines.

>> Term Paper Guidelines That You MUST Comply With <<


  1. Write the paper as if it were going to be read by someone who has no knowledge about the subject matter. This means that you must cite the authors and the year of publication when you refer to published work. Also, assume that the person reading the paper is not predisposed to agree with you, but needs to be convinced.
  2. Do not present just facts or just opinions. Your aim should be to make an argument backed up by evidence. "Facts" only become evidence when they are connected to an argument, and when you show why these facts are relevant to the points at hand.
  3. The best papers consider at least some counter-arguments. Who would disagree with what you are saying and why? What opposing arguments do/would they make and why don't you find that convincing? Why should a reader accept your argument? You make your own position stronger if you present and refute counter-arguments. Often the best papers begin by presenting the arguments they oppose, demonstrating how such a perspective is flawed, and then showing how their position is more suitable.
  4. Make an outline of your thoughts before you begin. You can use this outline to structure your ideas, but don’t feel that you have to stick to it too carefully. Outlines are helpful, however, when used to make sure that you have included all of your ideas and that they are presented in a logical order.
  5. Your paper will be graded on several different criteria, including: strength of argument, use of research material, presentation and writing style, grammar, spelling, etc. Of course, content is most important, but writing style, spelling and grammar can all add or detract from the persuasiveness of your argument. Be sure to edit your paper several times.
  6. The structure of the paper should include an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and a list of references. Each of these sections can include as many paragraphs as you wish.


    A good introduction briefly describes the specific research question that will be answered in the paper. Feel free to hint as to what conclusions you will draw and any opposing arguments that you will address, but don’t spell it all out here. It is often helpful to go back and edit the introduction after you have finished writing the paper to ensure that it truly reflects what the paper is about.


    The body of the paper should include everything that you want to say. Describe the issue in depth. Why is the issue important? What does prior research on the topic find? What evidence, theories, or reasoning do different researchers give to support their stances? What are the strengths/weaknesses of arguments made by researchers? What are your reactions to the ideas/materials you find? Someone reading your paper should be able to read only the first sentence of each paragraph and have a pretty good idea of what the paper is all about. The rest of each paragraph should be used to back up that topic sentence.


    The conclusion should be used to briefly summarize the main points/arguments and spell out the conclusions that you have drawn from the research. Also, feel free to be adventurous. What couldn’t this paper cover? What are some related side issues that could be further explored? What are some solutions to a problem you analyzed?


Here are more sample papers from other sources. If your paper quality is as good as below samples, you will have no problem receiving highest score for the paper.

  1. Grid-enabled Urban-CA GIS
    Qingfeng Guan, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara

  2. Linking Land-Cover Change to Local Land-use Policy: A GIS-Based Analysis
    Jason J. Taylor, School of Natural Resources and Environment
    University of Michigan

  3. West Nile Virus in Chicago, IL, 2002: A Multidimensional GIS-based Analysis
    Carmen Tedesco, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  4. Visualizing the Rate at Which the Accuracy of a Land Change Prediction Decays
    Anna J. Versluis, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr, and Nicholas R. Malizia, Department of International Development, Community and Environment, Clark University

  5. Spatial Considerations on the Effect of Smoking Regulations on Restaurant Employment: The Case of West Virginia.
    Irene M. Xiarchos, Natural Resource Economics,
    Division of Resource Management, West Virginia University 
    and Randy Childs, Department of Economics, and Bureau of Business and Economic Research, West Virginia University

Here are some VERY useful websites for a paper writing