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    Sigma Tau Delta
The English Honor Society


           CSUB ENGLISH CLUB    

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Constitutions and By-Laws


Article I: Name of the Organization
Section 1: The name of this organization will be the ENGLISH CLUB

Article II:
Purpose of the Organization
Section 1: Our primary purpose is to create an inviting and social atmosphere for students majoring or minoring in English, as well as students who are interested in or considering English as a major field of study.
Section 2: Our secondary purpose is to appeal to prospective students and other individuals who show interest in the study of various aspects of English.

Article III: Membership
Section 1: Given the primary and secondary purposes of the organization, membership will not be limited to English majors and/or minors.
Section 2: Membership is acquired by maintaining a desire to belong to the organization and attendance of three English Club meetings.
Section 3: No discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, sexual identity, creed, or religion will exist within the organization.

Article IV:
Section 1: Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2: The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined if the Club so chooses.
Section 3: The term of office is one year (12 month period).
Section 4: Elections will be held in January by the general membership. 
Sub-Section A: If an officer is unable to fulfill his/her duties for the designated term, vacancies shall be filled by a special election to be held at the next scheduled club meeting. 

Article V:
Executive Committee (Governing Board)
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the faculty advisor and the elected officers.
Section 2: Any minor business referred to the Executive Committee may be resolved through simple discussion with the general membership and the reaching of a consensus (general agreement) regarding the matter.
Section 3: Major business, or minor business where a consensus cannot be reached, is referred to the Executive Committee where a majority vote will pass any business.
Sub-Section B: In the event of a tie vote, the faculty advisor will cast the deciding vote.

Article VI:
Section 1: Meetings shall be held every Friday.

Article VII: How to Amend the Constitution
Section 1: A notice of two weeks shall be given to the membership before voting to amend the Constitution.
Section 2: The faculty advisor and at least three officers must be present.
Section 3: Amendments can be passed by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote given that 50% of the membership is in attendance at the meeting.


Article I: Membership
Section 1: Members are in good standing by attending one meeting a month.

Article II: Finance
Section 1: The president, treasurer, and faculty advisor will be in charge of finances.

Article III: Notice of Meetings
Section 1: The location and time of the next meeting will be announced at the end of the preceding meeting.

Article IV:
Section 1: Elections will be held in January on a Friday designated by the membership.
Section 2: A simple voice nomination suffices to offer a candidate for nomination for any position. A consensus or majority vote will suffice to elect the nominated individual.
Section 3: A member is entitled to vote by having attended three meetings to obtain membership and must have attended the previous English Club meeting prior to the vote.

Article V:
Section 1: These By-Laws my be amended in the same manner prescribed for the amendment of the Constitution.

Article VI: Enacting Clause
Section 1: These by-laws shall become effective upon the approval of the Director of Student Activities.
(Approved Winter Quarter 2002)


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