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Culture Shock:
A Selective Bibliography

Compiled by Students of
Dr. Robert S. Carlisle

Abraham, A. S. (1986). Culture shock prompts action on foreign students. The Times Higher
Education Supplement, 724, 10.
Adler, P. (1975). The transitional experience: An alternative view of culture shock. Journal of
Humanistic Psychology, 15, 13-23.
Armes, Kathryn, and Colleen Ward. (1989, April). Cross-cultural transitions and sojourner adjustment
in Singapore. The Journal of Social Psychology, 129, 273-275.
Dodge, S. Culture shock and alienation remain problems for many students on U.S. campuses.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 36, A33 and A36.
Furnham, A., and Weissman, D. (1987). The expectations and experiences of a sojourning temporary
resident abroad: A preliminary study. Human Relations, 40, 313-326.
Greenless, J. (1987). Students unprepared for Japan culture shock. The Times Higher Education
Supplement, 751, 7.
Hannigan, T. P. (1988). Culture shock with a happy ending. Journal of Counseling and
Development, 67, 91.
James, G. (1992). Overseas in the United States: The quest for socio-cultural and linguistic models.
American Studies International, 30, 88-108.
Kellie, N., and Reekie, S. (1987). Culture shock: Adjusting to a different culture. Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance, 58, 42-45.
Kitao, K. (1991). How does natural environment affect American and Japanese ways of expressing
themselves? (Report No. CS 505 441). Kyoto, Japan: Doshiva Studies in English (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 278 054).
Kun-yu, B. (1988). Between two cultures, Social Education, 52, 378 and 383.
Lea, L. (1988). Reducing culture shock. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 54, 52-55.
Merta, R., Stringham, E., and Ponterotto, J. (1988). Simulating culture shock in counselor trainees:
An experimental exercise for cross-cultural training. Journal of Counseling and Development, 66, 242-245.
Oropeza, B., Fitgibbon, M., and Baron, A. (1991). Managing mental health crisis of foreign college students.
Journal of Counseling and Development, 69, 280-284.
Raschio, R. (1987). College students' perceptions of reverse culture shock and reentry adjustments.
Journal of College Student Personnel, 28, 156-162.
Samimy, K., and Tabuse, M. (1992). Affective variables and a less commonly taught language: A study
in beginning Japanese classes. Language Learning, 42, 377-398.
Sparks, R. (1971). Coping with culture. Instructor, 81(4), 71-72.
Su, L. (1993). On cross-cultural communication: Why a positive answer should not be taken seriously.
(Report No. FL 022 286). Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 372 605).
Taft, R. (1977). Coping with unfamiliar cultures. Studies in Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1, 121-153.
Tamura, T. and A. Furnman. (1993). Comparison of adaptation to the home culture of Japanese children and
adolescents returned from overseas sojourn. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 39, 10-21.
Viswanath, L. (1988). International news in the U. S. media: Perceptions of foreign students.
Journalism Quarterly, 65, 952-959.
Weissman, D., and Furnham, A. (1987). The expectations and experiences of a sojourning temporary resident
abroad: A preliminary study. Human Relations, 40, 313-326.
Wilson, P. (1991). Trauma of Sioux Indian high school students. Anthropology and Education
Quarterly, 22, 367-383.
Winkelman, M. (1994). Culture shock and adaptation. Journal of Counseling and Development, 73,
Zapf, M. (1991). Cross-cultural transitions and wellness: Dealing with culture shock. International
Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 14, 105-119.

English 420 Course Syllabus.