Midterm Exam guideline

  1. You are not allowed to postpone the exam unless you are in an emergent situation, and you must prove your emergent situation by providing official and legal documentation (e.g., medical doctor’s official letter). There is no make-up.
  2. You can bring a piece of cheating paper (use front and back). The cheating paper is the only allowed material that you can use during the exam.
  3. Other than the cheating paper, if you use any other things (i.e., cell phone, email, Internet browser, and so on), that will be considered as cheating, and you will receive zero points for the exam. Also, the disciplinary action will be taken against you.
  4. Since we are using "Wide Screen" monitor, make sure to minimize "Screen View" of Access. Click Here to See the Screen View
  5. The exam sheet is EVIDENCE of your attendance. Make sure to put your name, and return it to the instructor when you leave. If you do not return it when you leave, you will receive a ZERO point.
  6. Download and use ONLY data files that are given by your instructor.
  7. Remember! Make sure not to include any unnecessary data items and tables for the query questions. If you include unnecessary data items and tables, you will earn no score (nothing).
  8. Make sure to turn in ONLY one database (your midterm exam database)  
  9. Make sure that your database file extension is ".accdb" which is an official file extension of MS Access. For example, a complete file name for John Doe would be "DoeJ.accdb." As soon as you finish, submit your database thru the course Blackboard right away.
  10. You are responsible for submitting the exam file correctly. That is, make sure to close the Access application completely and then turn in the exam file. Otherwise, you will receive zero points. If you do not close the application (Access) completely and then turn in the exam file, the only title (not actual contents) of your exam file will be accepted and processed by Blackboard.
  11. Make sure to confirm your exam on the screen before you leave
  12. After the confirmation, make sure to delete your database exam file as well as data files
  13. And then empty "Recycle Bin."