What is RIAP?

The Reading Institutes are designed for high school teachers, AVID teachers, administrators, and college instructors.  Participants attend 60 hours of seminars with guest speakers, and they complete an additional 20 hours of independent research and school teamwork.


What are the goals of RIAP?

The two main goals are to help students (1) achieve a level on the joint California Standards Test and CSU Early Assessment Program that would exempt them from the English Placement Test or (2) demonstrate proficiency on the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) by scoring above 150 with no need for future reading and writing remediation.


What do participants receive?

a valuable reference library

classroom-ready materials

insights and strategies from reading experts

time to develop cross-curricular strategies

time to create a school-wide standards-based literacy plan

great food and company

a $750 stipend upon fulfillment of the institute commitment


Contact Person:

Kim Flachmann
CSU Bakersfield
(661) 654-6194









