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poster marcha zapatistacolage zapatistaspirit

Soc 338: The Indigenous Experience in the Americas

Winter 2004

Instructor: Dr. Gonzalo F. Santos

Class: 3:30 pm - 5:35 pm, M&W, Room: DDH-H103
Dr. Santos' Office: DDH-AA205  Phone: 664-2191
Office Hours: 10:35 am - 12:30 pm, M&W.


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Course Content:

This course explores the historical and contemporary experiences of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, from the perspective of the social sciences and with a special emphasis on the movements of modern Indians in the United States and Mexico. We first study the historical evolution of the status of indigenous peoples in Western legal thought, from 1500 to 1800. We then focus on the origins and legacy of the Red Power Movement and the resurgence of Native American ethnicity in the United States since the 1960s. We then analyze the origins and growth of indigenism as part and parcel of the international institutionalization of human rights from the 1950s to now. We conclude by exploring the ongoing Zapatista rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico, launched in 1994, its "glocal" character and its critique of modernity and globalization in the era of NAFTA treaties.

Course Structure:

The course relies on the active, collective involvement of the students in their own process of learning. Students will be organized into groups of three to four students at the beginning of the course. These groups will be at the center of all class activities. It is most important that students take their group obligations very seriously and set out to function as a well-coordinated team, staying in close contact for the duration of the course. Apart from that, attendance is mandatory. Tardiness and unexcused absences will be penalized. No late written class assignments will be accepted.

In-Class Activities: On the first hour of most classes (when there's no video shown), Dr. Santos will lecture on the assigned readings for the day; after a brief break, the students will discuss the readings & lecture, first as groups and then as a class. Students will come prepared with a one-to-two page (double-spaced) READING ASSESSMENT for each class there's no video shown. These assessments will be turned over to Dr. Santos at the end of each class. The assessments should go over the following aspects: (a) in your opinion, what was the most significant thing(s) you think you learned from the reading, and why? (b) what thing(s) did you not understand well, but wish someone would explain it to you? (c) what other question or comment would you like to raise for discussion? Please do not forget to include your name, the class (Soc 338), the date, and the author/chapter(s) of the reading. Please note: Expect Dr. Santos to randomly visit the group discussions and select assessments to share with the class.

Group Research Projects: In lieu of doing a mid-term and final exams, each group will design, research, and execute two research projects, to be completed and delivered in bound, written form; the first one in class on February 14, and the second one no later than 9:00 am, Thursday March 17. Students must obtain approval from Dr. Santos on the topics for their group projects as well as on the subtopics for their individual papers. Each group volume should contain a title page, a table of contents listing each paper title and student author, and the actual papers in the same order as listed. No common bibliography or pagination required. Each individual paper should be 6 to 8 pages long (apart from the bibliography and any appendix), double-spaced, font 12, one-inch margins. For the guidelines on how to write a good research term paper go to: http://www.csub.edu/~gsantos/Guide-Paper.html.

Grading: The reading assessments will collectively count for 34 points (two points per assessment); the group research projects will count for 33 points each (30 points for the individual paper and 3 points for the group effort).

The final letter grade will be assigned, on a scale of 0 to 100, as follows:

94-100 = A 87-89 = B+ 77-79 = C+ 65-69 = D
90-93 = A- 84-86 = B 74-76 = C < 65 = F

80-83 = B- 70-73 = C-

Office Hours/E-Mail to Dr. Santos: All students are encouraged to visit or call Dr. Santos regularly during his posted office hours, especially to ensure their research project topics and their individual papers' subtopics are well chosen and organized, or to discuss anything related to the texts or the class lectures/videos/discussions. Private, but brief and to the point, e-mail messages to Dr. Santos (NOT a substitute for office visits, please) may be sent to: santos_class@csub.edu.

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Schedule of Assigned Readings


Jan. 3, 5

Course Introduction

Intro. & Chapter 1


Jan. 10, 12


Chapter 2


Chapters 3 & 4


Jan. 17, 19


Chapters 5 & 6


Jan. 24, 26


Chapter 7 & Conclusion


Intro. & Chapters 1 & 2


Jan. 31, Feb. 2


Chapters 3 & 4 


Chapters 5 & 6

Feb. 7, 9


Chapters 7, 8, 9


Winds of Change: A Matter of Promises

7   1st. Research Papers Due on the 14th.

Feb. 14, 16


Chapters 1 & 2

Chapters 3 & 4

Feb. 21, 23


Chapters 5 & 6, Conclusion

Intro. & Chapter 1


Feb. 28, Mar. 2


Chapters 2 & 3


Chapter 4


Mar. 7, 9


Chapter 5


Chapter 6 & Conclusion


Mar. 14


A Place Called Chiapas

Second Research Papers
due by 9:00 am on Thurs. March 17

My Group #: _____

First Research Project Title:


My First Paper Title:


Second Research Project Title:


My Second Paper Title:


            Other Group Members                             _____Phone                         ______Email             .

1.                                                                                                                            ______________         __.

2.                                                                                                                       ________________              .

3.                                                                                               ________________                                      .

 4.                                                                                                             ________________                       .

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