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Readings on Latino Immigration

SOC 335

Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in Contemporary America - Silvia Pedraza and Rubén G. Rumbaut

The Coming Immigration Debate [1995] - Jack Miles

The Faulty Logic of the Anti-Immigration Rhetoric - Raúl Hinojosa and Peter Schey

Can We Still Afford to Be a Nation of Immigrants? - David M. Kennedy

The New Economics of Immigration - George J. Borjas

Borders and Bridges : Undocumented Immigrants from Mexico and Central America - Leo R. Chavez

Baiting Immigrants: Heartbreak for Latinos - Mercedes Lynn De Uriarte

The Social Origins of the Referendum - Mike Davies

Supervisors Should Value Immigrants

Los Angeles Explosive Diversity - Mehdi Bozorgmehr et al.

E Pluribus and All That - A.M. Rosenthal

NAFTA Regulations Regarding Canada-US and Mexico-US Human Border Crossings - I.N.S.

Hate in the World Wide Web - Pamela Mendels

With Exquisite Cruelty - Anthony Lewis

Blink, Please, Grandma, Blink - Andrew Lam

Sympathies Sharply Divided on Beatings of Immigrants - Kenneth B. Noble

Legal Immigrants Now Face Summary Deportations - Los Angeles Times

Legal Immigrants Face Impending Federal Aid Cuts - Los Angeles Times

United Nations Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live

CATO Institute: "Immigration: The Demographic and Economic Facts"

Immigration Debate - The Atlantic Monthly (11/96)

Migration News - UC-Davis

La Jornada, Mexico City Newspaper

International Organization for Migration

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service

The 1996 Immigration and Nationality Act [via Immigration Central]

U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Other Countries Laws on Immigration/Naturalization [via U.S. House of Representatives]

Internet Mailing and Discussion Groups on Migration and Ethnic Groups

Borderlines: A Magazine of the Interhemispheric Resource Center

European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations

Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations - Sweden

Immigration History Research Center - University of Minnesota

Federation For American Immigration Reform - An Anti-Immigrant Group

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