Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education in the U.S.


Ethnicity or race plays an important, and frequently discriminatory and divisive, role in the development of higher education in the United States. From the foundings of both private and public colleges and universities to the conception of what constitutes a liberal education, from the formulation of student admission policies to faculty appointment and research, race is an ever-present concern and decisive factor. The difficulty in establishing courses in ethnic and women studies since 1960s is a one such example and the decision of the Regents of the University of California to abolish affirmative action on July 20, 1995 is another example.

The project consists in researching the role of race and ethnicity in the development of higher education from both the historical and contemporary perspectives. Of particular interest is the role of race & ethnicity in (a) the University curriculum and research, (b) admission policy, and (c) faculty appointment, and how these three major areas of higher education have been affected by the historic transformations of higher education in the U.S. The experiences of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans in these areas may be compared with the experience of European Americans (especially males).

Students must critically analyze the origin, mission, and development of ethnic studies in higher education within the context of traditional liberal education. Minority access (admission and enrollments) is to be examined from the point of view of the historic transformations and continuing stratification of higher education by race, sex, and class with special attention given to the development, functions, and governance of the three-tier system of higher education in California and the rise of meritocracy and affirmative action admissions policies. Finally, the status of minority and women faculty should be examined in terms of their recruitment, retention, and promotion and of such notions as pipeline, availability pool, and affirmative action.



Nature & Functions of Higher Education and the
Role of Liberal Education

Wolff, Robert P.,"Four Models of a University" in The Ideal of the University, pp. 1-57. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.

Mohanty, Chandra T.,"On Race and Voice: Challenges for Liberal Education in the 1990s" Cultural Critique (Winter 1989-1990), pp. 179- 208.

Giroux, Henry E.,"Insurgent Multiculturalism and the Promise of Pedagogy," in Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader, edited by David T. Goldberg, pp. 325-343. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, 1994.

Development and Stratification of Higher Education by Race and Gender

G. Louis Heath,"The Life and Education of the American Indian," The Illinois Quarterly, Vol.33, No. 3 (Feb. 1971), pp.

James Baldwin,"A Talk to Teachers" or "The Negro Child - His Self-Image," The Saturday Review, Dec. 21, 1963.

San Miguel, Guadalupe,"The Origins, Development, and Consequences of the Educational Segregation of Mexicans in the Southwest," Chicano Studies: A Multidisciplinary Approach, pp. 195-208. New York: Teachers College Press of Columbia University, 1984.

Pincus, Fred L.,"The False Promises of Community Colleges: Class Conflict and Vocational Education," Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Aug. 1980).

Bowles, Samuel & H. Gintis,"The Transformation of Higher Education and the Emerging White- Collar Proletariat," Schooling in Capitalist America, pp. 201-223. New York: Basic Books, 1976.

Stratification and Governance of Higher Education in California

Smelzer, Neil,"Growth, Structural Change and Conflict in California Public Education, 1950-1970," in Public Higher Education in California, pp. 9-142.

Trow, Martin,"Reflections in the Transition from Mass to Universal Higher Education," Daedalus, Vol. 99, No. 1, Winter 1970.

Meritocracy, Discrimination, and Affirmative Action

Duster, Troy,"The Structure of Previlege and Its Universe of Discourse," The American Sociologist, Vol. 11, pp. 73-78, May 1976.

Simeone, Angela,"Measures of Formal Status," in Academic Women: Working Towards Equality, pp. 27-49. South Hadley, Mass.: Bergin & Garvey Publishers, 1987.

University of California Task Force on Black Student Eligibility. Making the Future Different: Black Student Eligibility: A Review of the Literature. 1989.

University of California, Santa Cruz. Latino Eligibility Task Force. Latino Eligibility and Participation in the University of California: Reports 1 & 2. March 1993 and July 1994.

Dana Y. Takagi, The Retreat from Race: Asian Americans Admissions and Racial Politics. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1992).

Politics of Affirmative Action

The White House, "Affirmative Action Review: Report to the President," submitted by George Stephanopoulos and Christopher Edley, Jr., July 19, 1995.

Dana Y. Takagi, The Retreat from Race: Asian Americans Admissions and Racial Politics. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1992).

Student, Faculty, and Community Responses to the Anti-Affirmative Action Initiatives.

Troy Duster,"They're Taking Over! and Other Myths about Race on Campus," Higher Education under Fire: Politics, Economics, and the Crisis of the Humanities, edited by Michael Berube and Cary Nelson, pp. 276-283. New York: Routledge, 1995.

University of California, Berkeley. UC Berkeley Outreach Task Force, Preserving Student Diversity: Report of the Task Force, pp. 6- 22, Feb. 1996.

Jeffrey Rosen,"The Day the Quotas Died," The New Republic, (April 22, 1996), pp. 21-27.


Intellectual Racism: Ethnic Studies Before 1960s

Omi, Michael & H. Winant, Racial Formation in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s, pp. 1-50. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1994.

McKee, James B.,"The Failure of a Perspective," Sociology and the Race Problem, pp. 337-359. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Anderson, James D.,"Secondary School History Textbooks and the Treatment of Black History," The State of Afro-American History: Past, Present, and Future, edited by Darlene Clark Hine, pp. 253-274. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisian State University Press, 1986.

Lange, Werner, J.,"W.E.B. DuBois and the First Scientific Study of Afro-America," Phylon, 44, June 1983.

Emergence of Ethnic Studies in Higher Education in 1960s

Greenbaum, William,"America in Search of a New Ideal: An Essay on the Rise of Pluralism," Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 44, No. 3 (Aug. 1974).

Robinson, Armatend L. (ed.),Black Studies in the University - A Symposium, pp. 4-74. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1969.

Thompson, Jane,"The Schooling of Girls," in Learning Liberation: Women's Response to Men's Education, pp. 29-46. London: Croom Helm, 1983.

Integrationist vs. Separatist Approaches: Models of Ethnic Studies in Higher Education

Haro, Roberto P.,"Toward a Typology of Ethnic Studies Programs," Journal of the Society of Ethnic and Special Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, Oct. 1980.

Stimpson, Catharine,"Where Does Integration Fit: The Development of Women's Studies," in Toward a Balanced Curriculum, pp. 11-24. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1984.

Butler, Johnnella E.,"The Difficult Dialogue of Curriculum Transformation: Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies," Transforming the Curriculum: Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies, pp. 1-19. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991.

Schlesinger, Arthur M.,"E Pluribus Unum?" in The Disuniting of America, pp. 119-138. Knoxville, Tenn.: Whittle Communications L.P., 1991.

Wither Ethnic Studies? Intellectual Surrender, Co-optation, or Contestation

Littlejohn, David,"Political Correctness at Cal," California Monthly, 101:4 (Feb. 1991), pp. 13-19.

Ramon A. Gutierrez,"Ethnic Studies: Its Evolution in American Coleges and Universities," Multi- Culturalism: A Critical Reader, edited by David Theo Goldberg, pp. 157-167. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1994.

Barbara Christian,"Diminishing Return: Can Black Feminism(s) Survive the Academy?" Multi- Culturalism: A Cricial Reader, pp. 168-179.

Vincent Harding,"Responsibilities of the Black Scholar to the Community," The State of Afro- American History: Past, Present, and Future, edited by Darlene C. Hine, pp. 277-284. Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1986.

Peter McLaren,"White Terror and Oppositional Agency: Towards a Critical Multiculturalism," Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader, 45-74.